Simulating Case Presentations from various Surgery Exit Examination around the world, we mentor our students on the art of speaking the correct words and phrases which would shape the Examiners assessment of the student. Every Case Presentation is followed by a detailed dissection of the questions and processes in the dynamic of a presentation.
Every operation is stripped to its bare bones, dissected and stitched back together completely anew. This will help our doctors not only gain mastery of the skills they practice but also the much needed confidence in performing the most complex procedure on a regular basis. “The eyes can only see what the mind knows.
A Radiologist might be the Surgeons best friend but the Surgeon knowing Radiology is the Surgeons saviour. CCC is of the belief that you can never be a good surgeon if you are not the best radiologist. We teach the deep cuts of every plate in all shades of grey.
The “OSCEMaster of India”. Every word of every OSCE dissected and chewed over so that the correct answer is reproduced in the examination. No one cooks OSCEs better. Don’t believe us? Take a look.
Live classes taken 6 days a week. With a “mini-conference” of all the 6 classes on recorded repeat the following Sunday for doctors who might have missed any class. Limited to only 100 students. Here we take the rough cuts of all the videos that end up on our APP Plexus Surgery. Not all classes end up on the App. Not everyone can gain entry to these classes. There is a Waiting List. You can mail to us.
The Plexus Surgery App which you can download on your devices and gain access to over a 100 teaching videos. And we will keep building on it with more and more classes from the Masterclass. Our students love it because its simple. We love it because its built on the recommendations of our students.
Our research group. We are helping young surgeons find their investigative feet in scientific research. Aim is to build the base of the first super researchers in Surgery in India. Can we do it? Considering the sweep of awards in all the conferences the last year, yes!
We are engaged in various social activities across the spectrum. And we encourage each and every CCCian to participate as social leaders to help the needy. We at CCC believe Living is a Gift, and no one must feel lost and unloved. It can mean contributing for an orphan or just supporting a fellow doctor colleague who is struggling. Together we move, together we rise.
Short course events which focuses on a common theme for surgeons out of academic hospitals and in busy practice. These are specially structured for them. From the 2-day CCC Radiology for Surgeons, 3-day CCC Oncosurgery 360, to the 5-day CCC Bootcamp for Practical Examinations (for Exam appearing doctors). In addition to this, there are 1-day events on either Organ based or Disease based themes.
Monthly Theory examinations with detailed answer strategies for optimum performance under “time pressure” at Surgery exit final examinations. The when, what, how of high theory scores.